Nourishing Body and Spirit with Care

The path to good health often starts at the dining table. Our meal preparation services at CLOSE KNIT CARE are anchored in this understanding. We know that maintaining a balanced diet can be a challenge, especially when other health concerns are present. We aim to ease this process by providing nutritious, personalized meals that cater to individual dietary needs and preferences. It’s about ensuring that our clients enjoy their meals, focusing on their health without being bogged down by the logistics of meal planning and preparation.

This service includes:

  • Feeding Assistance
  • Meal Planning
  • Monitoring the Client’s Diet
  • Checking Food Expiration Dates
  • Preparing Meals for the Client
  • Nutritionist Coordination

Interested in learning more about how CLOSE KNIT CARE can support you or a loved one? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information. We’re here to help.